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Student Voices

Posted on August 6th, 2012

Whether people are telling a story, promoting a cause, grousing about something or sharing something they value with the world, giving people a voice via the Internet is truly one of the best things about the World Wide Web.

I know the assignment for Week 5 #digitfoot12 seemed geared to current active student voices. The voice that I could only think of when assigned to share a student who’s social networking affected me was one I followed for a short period of time two years ago.

During 2010, I found out about Abby Sunderland and her dream to be the youngest person to solo around the world sailing. She did not make it, but the story was fascinating.

She (or her parents) set up a web site documenting her progress and you can read her story starting here. I was enjoyed reading about her hopes, dreams and the travail she endured preparing for this trip and as she departed. The telling of her story was what I found so fascinating. It is so different from how I’ve lived my life that I was intrigued by this young woman’s drive. Her supportive family allowed her to attempt to reach for this goal. Isn’t that what allows most young people to achieve!