Review Exam
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Continuing on into Chapter 3
Derivative notation
Learning Target: I can find a derivative formula using the two forms of the definition of the derivative.
HW try
p 105 ex 2 and 6. You are using the two definitions of the derivative to find the same formula
Learning target: I understand where a function can fail to exist.
Learning Target: I can explain why if a function is differentiable, it is continuous.
Learning Target: I can use nderiv and wield it with understanding
Learning target: I can explain what Local linearity means.
HW: If you want to retake the Chapter 2 test, work on the MathXL For Schools Requiz Review
Otherwise enjoy an evening off from Calculus,
Learning target: I can sketch the derivative of function from its graph.
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An exit ticket
HW Start working of Section 3.2
HW Check for Section 3.2
Learning target: I can find the derivative of a function for these cases
Rule 1: Derivative of a constant
Rule 2: Derivative of a power function (the power rule)
Rule 3 : Derivative of a function with a constant multiple
Rule 4: Derivative of the sum/difference of two or more functions
I won’t see you Monday or Tuesday next week.
In the week 5 assignment sheet that I will post over the weekend, I’ll link to a couple of videos where you can teach yourself how to apply the product rule and the quotient rule for derivatives.
Your job on Monday and Tuesday is to watch those videos to learn how to use them and then begin working on the Section 3.3 assignment.