Monday No School


Learning Target: I can estimate a correlation coefficient from a scatterplot.

You’ll need this link

Learning Target: I can use tech to create a scatterplot and create a LSRE and then use the LSRE to make a prediction. You’ll need to use this link

Graded work

Show me the results of 20 or more trials of the Guessing R site

Chapter 2 packet Section 2.4 exercises, both pages

To complete the work in the packet, you’ll want a copy of this spreadsheet

Graded Work: Above work and in Canvas>Chapter 2 Module>You’ll see a quiz on the Sequence and Series work we completed last week. Due by Wednesday 10/23 @ 2:30


Learning Target: I can graph transformed Absolute Value functions and write an absolute value function to represent a graph

Chapter 2 PKT Section 2.5 Exercises 21 – 9 all