Solving Right Triangles

Here is an app that will help you learn how to solve right triangles

End of Year Course Evaluation

Please fill out this form. You need to be logged into your Oxbow Gmail account to complete this form, but I am not collecting your name so this is an anonymous survey. Course Evaluations <link>

Summer Time and the Living is easy

Go outside and swim. If you are bored, go check this out . If you are really bored but feel creative, make your own Dickie Goodman style news report and share it back with me.

Stats Week 7

Week 3 ending 9/15

Monday We watched Parameters measure populations Statistics measure Samples Some more review Tuesday I can draw a SRS from a sampling frame. Working on Canvas>Modules>Week 3 ending 9/15>ThinkDo Chapter 1 Wednesday/Thursday In Canvas Complete the Chapter 1 assignment If you are ready Completed the two part Quiz 1 Friday Questions? Get get the two […]

Week 2 ending 9/2

Monday No School Tuesday Graded You need to create some data. For this week, I want you to create a google spreadsheet  In your spreadsheet, create the following data. You can make this up off the top of your head, find lists online, collect data from individuals. You need:30 individuals or subjects. Why a sample […]

Week 1 ending 8/31

Monday 8/28 In Class: What is Statistics? <link> First Data Collection Activity <link> HW Tuesday 8/29 In Class: Learning Target: We will be able to identify a variable and classify it as a quantitative variable and as a categorical variable. HO The rest of class: Learning Target: We will be able to use a spreadsheet to […]