Week 8 ending 10/18

Monday No school Tuesday/Wednesday Learning Targets: I can find probabilities for a single event using relative frequencies and Classical probabilities Examples: Graded work Chapter 4 packet p 64-65: 1, 3, 5, 8. Due by the end of Wednesday’s class (or during Thursday’s class if you are not in school  on Wednesday because of the Burlington […]

week 5 ending 9/27

Monday/Tuesday Complete the Canvas>Modules>Week 5 ending 9/27> Fall 24 ThinkDO Chapter 2 ++ Then starting working on the practice test. (in Canvas week 5 module Claim one of the exercises, make a post that includes your work in the Practice exam forum and I’ll add 5 points to your Test 1 grade. Complete your post […]

Week 4 ending 9/20

Monday: Grab a copy of this spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z6qkvXezqcd9oGLwFCUERX4jTibJX-xHaNFq4VJ3JFQ/copy Learning target: I can produce a histogram and a frequency table using http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/Histogram/ Learning target: I can additionally create a cumulative frequency table, and a relative frequency table. Learning target: I can name the shape of the distribution  Learning target: I can use a spreadsheet to calculate […]

Week 3 ending 9/13

Monday/Tuesday finish up work that is already assigned. I’ll mark this as missing and deduct late points after Tuesday 9/10 Wednesday No class. Beetlejuice trip Thursday Learning targets: I can find the mean and standard deviation for a small data set I can use technology to find a data sets mean and std dev I […]

Week 2 ending 9/6

Tuesday Link to join Canvas Course https://canvas.instructure.com/enroll/896FPR Link to data spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DYd-Ojjz41tUenjBRrPLKXF04KSAy701TMy5K81x8zI/edit?usp=sharing Assignments completed: Positing a picture in a discussion Forum MOM Percentage Review MOM Types of variables Wednesday: Grab a new copy of Chapter 1 packet In Canvas: Your Collected Data Spreadsheet Due Monday 9/9 Old work from Tuesday should be done. You have […]

Week 1 ending 8/29/24

Monday 8/26 In Class: What is Statistics? <link> First Data Collection Activity <link> No HW Tuesday 8/27 In Class: Learning Target: We will be able to identify a variable and classify it as a quantitative variable and as a categorical variable. HO The rest of class: Learning Target: We will be able to use a spreadsheet […]